People in huge numbers, across the globe do have strong belief in chakra healing powers. They are aware of the different types of benefits that they can enjoy with chakra healing. It is their curiosity and interest that has increased the volume of Chakra Sets for sale. Many are also found to be interested to know more about the chakras that can help with emotional and heart healing.
Know The Healing Powers Of The Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra is said to have five healing crystals. Besides being clear, they help to heal and open up the heart’s energy center. It is important for the person to know how they are to be used the correct way to derive emotional healing. This is a question that is asked by majority of the people eager to use chakras and healing gemstones. It is quite common to find imbalances in such chakra types and hence, sufficient time will be taken to heal.
According to the industry experts, the heart chakra also called the Anahata Chakra in Sanskrit, Heart Center and the Fourth Chakra is quite powerful. It is in the chest area’s middle portion that it is located. It is associated commonly with green and pink color. This chakra physically relates to the chest area, Thymus gland, lungs, physical heart and upper back.
The different chakra rules
- Empathy
- Feelings
- Emotions
- Compassion
- Relationship
- Love
How heart chakra crystals are to be used the right way?
Several ways do exist to experience and enjoy the crystal’s therapeutic power for heart center. The stone can be placed over Heart Chakra for about 10-15 minutes. The person then needs to visualize a pink or emerald green light shining from the chest center region. Heart chakra crystals can also be worn in the form of bracelet or necklace over heart region. This stone can also be carried in a small bag, which is sure to bring into the person’s aura, its powerful energy.
Five heart chakra crystals
It will be wise to select a crystal which is just appropriate for the person and is good enough to offer its energy. All the stones will not be required. Some are found to be stronger, while others are gentle.
- Green Aventurine: It is inexpensive and can be found easily. It is also a soothing stone and helps to heal and balance emotions and the heart chakra.Green Aventurine Heart Chakra Engrave Pendulum for sale – Shop Now
- Rose Quartz: It is a much-loved crystal and termed to be an effective, gentle heart healer, relating mostly to issues surrounding relationship, self-love and love. Rose Quartz Heart Chakra Bracelet for sale – Shop Now
- Green Jade: It is an expensive one and often fakes can be found. Jade does work effectively on heart chakra and is a gentle stone. It offers peaceful energy and subsides emotional pain and negativity, while protecting the heart. Green Jade Hearts for sale – Order Now
- Amazonite: This crystal varies in color and is considered to be a healing stone which clears and balances the heart chakra amazingly. It helps anchor healing energies, while bringing about vibration emotional shifts. Amazonite Tumble Stone for sale – Buy Now
- Rhodochrosite: It is an expensive one and not found easily. It is considered to be a deep cleanser of heart chakra and quite idea for those deep emotional wounds and stubborn chakra blocks. This will be just perfect to be used if other crystals failed in its objective. Rhodochrosite Power Bracelet for Sale
One can buy Wholesale Chakra sets at affordable prices at the reputed online stores and enjoy its powers.